By donating to the National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation (NIKERI) Institute, you are helping to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians the flexibility to access higher education while maintaining their family, work and community commitments.
The NIKERI Institute is proud of its over 30 years of history at Deakin and acknowledges the more than 1000 students who have graduated.
All Deakin students can enrol in Indigenous studies units through the NIKERI Institute. NIKERI also offer a broad range of scholarships, provide Kitjarra residences for study away from home, offer the Indigenous Tutorial Network reaching students in the most remote of communities, and more.
Deakin University is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient by the Australian Tax Office. Donations to Deakin of $2 or more are tax-deductible and an official receipt will be issued for tax purposes.
For more information on giving from the UK and US please check here.
Deakin staff members can also donate through Deakin GIVE, our workplace giving program. Join the Deakin GIVE community today! (Staff access only)
By donating through Deakin, you can directly support research, scholarships and priority projects that are making a real difference to our communities.
We will be happy to help you make your gift. Please contact us at or +61 3 9244 5150.